Thursday, January 3, 2013

Elf on the Shelf

So this is a little late, but I wanted to share what our elf "Chubby" was up to this year.
I did not do the naming, if you can't tell, that was all my 5 year old, but she loves it and that is what really matters.
Here is the first day Chubby came to be with us, he wrote a letter to Hailie.

Mischievous elf turned our milk green

We figure he got on Snowman's nerves!

Stealing cookies!

He got caught in the blinds on his way back in!
Drinking syrup

Just hanging around!
Toilet papered our tree

Reading to the figurines!

Now Chubby got on the other toys nerves too, they tied him up!

Chubby being sweet
So that was about the extent of my creativeness this year. I see all of these ideas on Pinterest that I really want to do, but man they are a lot of work! It doesn't help that I could not stand to have a mess in my house all day, so I stick to the cleaner things. What did your elf do this year?

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